Your Journey with the Science & Technology Policy Academy

This form allows you to reflect on where you once were, where you are now and how far you have come in your professional life as a result of your activities with the Science & Technology Policy Academy  By answering the following questions you will articulate the real, tangible differences that you have experienced in your professional life as a result of this experience.  You do not need to answer all the questions, but can pick and choose among those you find most relevant.  Thanks!  Debbie

Before your time with the Science & Technology Policy Academy, list 2-3 of the greatest challenges in your professional life at that time (what kept you awake at night and were pressing problems that needed to be solved)?


Before your time with the Science & Technology Policy Academy, how were the above problems impacting your life (list as many as you can recall)?

What finally had you say “enough is enough” that inspired you to work with the Science & Technology Policy Academy?

What was one of your favorite aspects of working with the Science & Technology Policy Academy?

Since working with the Science & Technology Policy Academy, what are some of the tangible results you’ve experienced in your professional life? 

Tip: If you respond with “I'm happier” or “I'm more successful” give more detail in the evidence you see in your life that shows how it is happier or more successful.  Be specific and tangible.

Were S&T Policy Academy educational materials clearly presented and easy to follow? If so, how? Or how could they be improved?

How, if any, was your education and training with the S&T Policy Academy innovative?

How, if any, did your S&T Policy Academy activities lead you to think about policy issues in new and important ways?

Does the Science & Technology Policy Academy have permission to use the information you provide in this form as a testimonial on the Academy's website?

Can the Science & Technology Policy use your picture and your first and last name? (Check all that apply)

Anything else you'd like to add?

Did you take a class with a digital badge?  If so, please indicate which ones so we can send those digital badges to you.  The badges can be displayed on your LinkedIn page and resumes. I

f you took your class through FAES@NIH, they should have provided a digital badge to you.  You are also welcome to request one here with the S&T Policy Academy branding.