Random Thoughts from Debbie

Hi Deborah,

Like many of you, I've been watching the news about Chat GPT and other AI tools with great interest -- both from the standpoint of using the tools and discussions about regulating them.

My first foray was asking Chat GPT the definition of "science & technology policy."   It did a good job on "policy for science & technology" but ignored "science & technology for policy."  So I put it aside and didn't think much about it.  

My interest was rejuvenated again, however, when I participated in a multi-day workshop on using Chat GPT for my business-related activities.  For the first time, I saw the possibilities for improving the efficiency and quality of my own daily S&T policy activities, including policy analysis, program evaluation, talks, workshops, and coaching.

Since then, I have used Chat GPT every day, not only in my own work but in teaching others.  I find that students often face the same challenges when conducting policy analysis.  Chat GPT helps me communicate what steps they can take to improve their analysis.  

Chat GPT does have its challenges, of course.  There are many activities, however, where it can be a useful tool, and those challenges are not relevant.  It also gets better all the time.  I started with ChatGPT2, and now we're on ChatGPT4.  I see these changes each week as I use this tool.

Last week, I incorporated how to use ChatGPT in the policy analysis (Level 2) class that I was teaching at NIH/FAES.  I could tell the students were skeptical at the beginning, but at the end, I asked if I should keep on using it in my classes, and they all said yes.  

So after numerous workshops I've taken on the topic, I feel I'm ready to hold my own webinar!  I'm calling it "Leveraging AI to Enhance the Quality and Efficiency of Your Science & Technology Policy Activities: An Exploration of ChatGPT Applications," and it will be held on Wednesday, June 8, 6-7:30 pm Eastern.  Details are below, and you can register at this link.

Interested in hosting your own S&T Policy event?  Happy to help!  Click here to set up a day/time for a free discovery call.

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That's it for this month.  Just hit reply to let me know your thoughts, how you’re doing, any questions you might have, and your feedback on any and all of this communication. I'm particularly interested in hearing if you received a fellowship, job, or other opportunity.  Sharing your story can help inspire others who are on the same path you were a few years ago. 

Free Webinar! -- Leveraging AI to Enhance the Quality and Efficiency of Your Science & Technology Policy Activities:  An Exploration of ChatGPT Applications

In the fast-paced world of science and technology policy analysis, professionals are regularly challenged to swiftly evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and ease of political acceptability of policies addressing societal challenges. They grapple with complex academic foundations while managing high client expectations, often juggling related tasks such as giving interesting talks and organizing insightful events like workshops.

To assist you in navigating these challenges, we're delighted to offer this complimentary webinar on Wednesday, June 8, 6-7:30 pm Eastern, featuring Dr. Deborah Stine, the founder of the Science & Technology Policy Academy. Dr. Stine relies on AI tools in her daily tasks like those above. She is ready to share her expertise in leveraging these tools to enhance the quality and efficiency of policy analysis and related activities.

Throughout this webinar, she'll provide valuable insights on using artificial intelligence tools, notably ChatGPT, to optimize your policy analysis process. You'll learn practical techniques to improve your efficiency and analysis quality while also enhancing your understanding of ethical considerations.

Join us and add a powerful asset to your science & technology policy toolbelt. Whether you're a novice in the realm of AI or have some experience with ChatGPT, this webinar is tailored to provide valuable insights for everyone.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving field of science and technology policy analysis. Secure your spot today, as spaces are filling up quickly! 

P.S. Chat GPT was used to enhance the quality of the title and description of this webinar!

Cool Resources 

This is the time of year that I find that students often ask me about science & technology policy careers.  Here are a few resources that have been around for a while, but I don't think they get the visibility they deserve.  Now may be the right time for you to take a look at them.  Remember, you need to start thing about your future job for at least six months or, even better, a year before you are ready for employment.  Finding a job that is right for you can be a challenge and is always competitive.  The best way to do a job search is to start with something every week, and then when you get serious, do something every day.

  • Science Policy: A Career Guide to Policy Careers for Scientists, written by alumni of the California Council on Science and Technology Fellowship Program (free)
  • Science Career Individual Development Plan (myIDP) is a self-guided assessment so you can think about what kinds of activities you are interested in and willing to do for your job.  For example, do you like to talk to people and write?  Or, would you prefer to analyze data?  Both activities can help with science and technology policymaking but are quite different jobs.  You can go directly to the tool at this link or read some articles with advice first at this link. (free)
  • Harvard Resumes & Cover Letters for Ph.D. Students.  This useful guide helps you understand the difference between a resume and a CV,  provides a great list of action verbs, and provides lots of sample resumes that illustrate how resumes differ relative to the job for which you are applying. (free)
  • Student’s Federal Career Guide, 4th Edition.  Due to the many Biden Administration initiatives, they are plenty of federal job openings throughout the country.  Getting one, however, can be challenging unless you know how to write a federal resume.  For example, did you know that the experience you gained from acting as a research or teaching assistant or as a volunteer counts as work experience?  That's important to know as some federal jobs require a few years of experience.  This guide helps you develop that ever-important (yet irritating) federal resume. I'm providing a link to the Student's Federal Career Guide, but ResumePlace has others as well if you're more senior. ($15.95)
  • Science & Technology Policy Academy YouTube Channel.  A few years ago, I put together a number of webinars focused on all sorts of career topics, including one with the author of the book in the previous bullet and about policy jobs outside DC, fellowships beyond the AAAS program,  gaining policy experience as a volunteer, etc. These are all still useful, and I encourage you to watch them. 

I've thought of putting together what is called a "mastermind" -- a facilitated small group discussion where everyone has a common goal.  I think this might be useful if you and your friends/colleagues are all looking for the next step in your career and you're willing to devote six months to a year to finding that job  If you have a group that might be interested in such an activity, reach out to me at deborah@scitechpolicyacademy.com  and let's talk. 

More Ways to Learn and Grow

The S&T Policy Academy has a number of ways for you to learn and grow:

    • ON DEMAND CLASSES FOR INDIVIDUALS:  Affordable classes that you can do at your own pace anywhere.  If you are a member of the National Science Policy Network (NSPN), you can get half off and apply for professional development funds that are enough to pay your entire tuition.  For each class you complete, you receive a digital badge.  Complete all four, and you will receive a certificate. To get more information or sign up, go to this webpage.  You can also register for the new class, Equity Analysis for Scientists, Engineers, and Health Professionals. This class is still in the pilot phase, so sign up now while prices are low.
    • WORKSHOPS FOR ACADEMIC AND STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, & NON-PROFITS:  Workshops can cover any science & technology policy topic of interest to the sponsoring organization for any timeframe.  Now is the time to sign up for these before my schedule fills up.  I now have workshops booked through August.  A 1.5-hour interactive virtual workshop is only $297. Schedule a no-cost no obligation consultation on my calendar if you’re interested so we can work together to identify what will work best for your group.  You can see more information and examples of past topics on this page.
    • PREMIERE EXECUTIVE COACHING FOR INDIVIDUALS OR SMALL TEAMS:  Premiere executive coaching is for individuals, groups of professionals, or Ph.D. candidates or postdocs who are interested in getting career guidance or implementing science & technology policy analysis principles for a specific project, program, initiative, research paper, or dissertation. With coaching, you can learn life-long skills and at the same time reach your organization’s policy or communication goals. If you’re interested, please schedule a free consultation on my calendar to see if premiere executive coaching is a “right fit” for you. More information and frequently asked questions are on this page.
    • DONE FOR YOU SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY POLICY ANALYSIS, PROGRAM EVALUATION, & COMMUNICATION:  If time and staff are limited, and you are a non-profit or academic organization, industry, or business who needs to get a policy analysis or program evaluation done, gather information from your stakeholders via focus groups or surveys, or wants to get your message out to the policymakers, then the Science & Technology Policy Academy can work with your team to get that project done. We can gather both existing and new information via surveys, interviews, focus groups, or roundtable discussions with experts or stakeholders.  We can then produce communication products such as policymaker guides, policy briefs, case studies, videos, and infographics.  Want to chat further to see if we’re a good fit for each other?  Then please schedule a free consultation on my calendar.  More information and examples of past work is available on this page.

Thanks for reading!

Dr. Deborah D. Stine, Founder, Science & Technology Policy Academy


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Deborah Stine
Science & Technology Policy Academy